I’ve recently been seeing a lot of “30 things to do before your 30” posts kicking around and have found it a little intimidating as I’ve only got 2 years left!! I thought I’d flip the concept on its head and do a 30ish things I’ve done before 30 list to celebrate all the awesome things (if I do say so myself) that I’ve done in my 28 years of planetary life. It’s a great way to look back positively and to encourage yourself to do more cool things.
I recommend trying this for yourself, you’ll be amazed what you’ve forgotten and then remember with an air punch!
30(ish) before 30
Meet the love of my life
Volunteer abroad
Visit Budapest
Go GoKarting and win a medal – bronze, but it totally counts
Swim in the ocean without being afraid
Make someone laugh when they are blue
Go to Italy
Go to Florida
Learn to sew
Become a dressmaker – 10 weeks after learning
Ride a horse
Get a first class degree – oh yeah, I could have BA Hons after my name, get me!
Look off the edge of Scotland – Just picture me, curly ginger locks blowing in the wind like Merida – Epic!
Go to a movie premier – Scottish Premiers count!
Start Blogging
Meet someone famous and get an autograph
Ride a rollercoaster – A lifelong fear conquered… well almost
Pet an elephant

Hold an owl – a terrifying one!
Go camping
Run a 10k – using the term “run” loosely!
Pass my driving test
Buy my first car
Drive a long journey – (3 weeks after passing)
Go to a festival Before
See Bon Jovi live – twice, YASS!
Sell a painting
Learn Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator – 100% self taught BOOM!
Teach a class – most terrifying thing EVER!
Get credited in something – I’m famous
Grow my hair long again – ugh finally
Read Lord of the Rings – Twice
Have my art tattooed on someone’s skin
Worked in a record store
See Lee Evans live
Meet true friends
Sell a dvd to Terrence Stamp – and kneel before Zod
Watch It’s a Wonderful Life in the cinema
Learn to make my Grandma’s veggie soup – Yummers!
See movie music played live by an orchestra
Take a jewellery making class
Be part of an awesome digital creative programme
Say please and thanks in 5 languages
Keep a plant alive – so far so good
Work in a TV production office
Travel the US without Parentals
Buy my own Home