Category: Lettering

Welcome to

Welcome to

Hello, my name is Claire (aka DaisyBisley) and it appears it’s been a while since my last post.

A lot has happened in the time away, there have been ups and downs, some more downs and then ups again. I’m not going to tell you everything that’s happened, but instead tell you whats changed. This blog before was meant for me to share my adventures in trying to live more positively and my design work. Neither of those things really came to much as I was too busy being hard on myself and seeing others’ success as my failure. Not a good way to be, especially when you’re a creative and you’re already super hard on yourself!

So what’s changed?… Lettering!


I’ve always been able to write fancy, doodling words all over my school books and prided myself on having pretty cool handwriting (when it’s not an unreadable scrawl of ridiculousness). But it wasn’t until late 2014 when I started to notice incredible letter artists all over Instagram sharing their beautiful work, that I realised all that doodling of words might have been useful. I scrolled through feeds endlessly and decided to give it a go, starting a 365 that included a Christmas countdown and taking on as many lettering challenges as I could. I wrote hello, minimum and aluminium about a million times and strived to get better. Taking Skillshare class after Skillshare class, reading book after book and even signing up for Sean Wes’ Learn Lettering class. It was so much fun learning from all these amazingly talented people and it still is. The learning never stops!


Its changed everything, my understanding of design, its process, typography and how I look at the fonts and art around me. Its even changed how I feel about my own art. For the first time, in a long time I’m happy with my work, see that I am good at it and that others enjoy it – that’s what art and design are all about.


It has led me down a path I never thought I’d find myself on with my career, weddings.  I’m taking bookings for wedding stationery, hand lettered prints and chalkboard design and in the process have met some of the most talented and awesome people in Scotland’s wedding industry. I also get to hang out with these cool folk!


So this is DaisyBisley now: Design, lettering and wedding goodies! Welcome to my new website and blog. Here is my little space on the web where I’ll share my work, things and artists that inspire me (and hopefully you too) and some occasional wedding chat.  I also hope to build up a bank of resources for like minded folk who love lettering as much as I do or want to give it a go for the first time.


The last year has been a good one and things seem to be getting even better with my lettering adventures, I can’t wait to share with you where DaisyBisley is going next…

If you’re looking for some unique wedding stationery or your favourite quote hand lettered give me a shout using the contact page or the buttons below.

Much lettery love