Author: daisybisley

Client Work: Wedding Illustration


I just wanted to quickly share these pics that I’m so over the moon about.

A little while ago our friends Joni and Joe asked me to design their wedding invites. Well yesterday I got an invite to their wedding and was super chuffed to see the little sticker on the envelope. Words can’t express how excited I am about this so I’ll just show you the pics.


I really love the words inside too, beautifully written by Joni & Joe. “Ceremony followed by dinner, drinks and awkward but enthusiastic dancing” – just brilliant!

I’m definitely up for more invitation designs, so if you’re interested give me a shout!!

Work in Progress: You Can’t Take The Sky

I have a tee up for voting on Qwertee and couldn’t be more excited! who knows, one day I might be among the lucky folk who get theirs printed.

If you feel like adding your vote, it would be VERY much appreciated 😀 – Vote here

After some feedback on the design, I think I will take out the stars at the top so it can be placed better on the T shirt.

Woudl love to know what you think, so please leave a comment below. You can also catch up with what I’m up to on the Facebook page: DaisyBisley on Facebook