It’s Geek Week over on YouTube and I’ve been feeling pretty inspired to get my nerd on and write something.
Being a geek or a nerd to me is the same thing. I don’t know where to draw the line and frankly I don’t care! If you’re a geek or a nerd chances are you’re slightly obsessed with something and love it with your whole heart, so really we’re all the same.
“The most sophisticated people I know – inside they are all children.”
Jim Henson
I’ve had eyes rolled at me, the odd “grow up” comment, the “really? You like Batman” and “girls aren’t supposed to like action movies” conversations. It used to bother me quite a bit, but now I know I’m not the only one! There’s tons of us ladies out there who love a bit of destruction porn and Statham movies. I love geeky and nerdy things and would happily sit for hours discussing the deepest meanings of The Matrix, the tormented dark version of Batman I’d love to see on the big screen or how I think Star Trek is better than Star Wars! And now I’m calling on you to embrace your inner geek and shout about your nerdy obsessions from the rooftops. Here’s four reasons why:
1 » Truly loving something, be it a comic character, Sci Fi, TV show, book or a piece of music, makes us feel good. So go find your fandom,
the thing you love and geek out over it!
2 » You’re soooo not alone! Guaranteed if you love something there’s hundreds if not thousands of folk who love it too. That’s loads of potential nerd buddies! Go connect. Join a forum, go to a con get involved and spread the love!
3 » Inspiration is there in abundance! Things we love and enjoy inspire us, to keep going through difficult times, to get out of a creative rut or to try something completely new. Watch, listen, read, do and be inspired.
4 » This video. When asked by a fan to tell her daughter why it’s awesome to be a nerd, Wil Wheaton had this to say ↓↓↓